Home > Interview Thank You Letters

Interview Thank You Letters

Writing interview thank you letters is a professional courtesy and an important part of the interview process. And, as more than 95% of job candidates forget to send thank you letters after an interview, when you send one, you will stand out from your competitors for the job you want!

You've probably invested a lot of time and effort into looking for a new job, then preparing for and attending one or more interviews.

In today's economy, securing the job you want can be a real slog ... there's a lot of competition out there!

Some interviewers think less of candidates who fail to follow up after an interview with a thank you email or letter. Will you fall at the final hurdle by failing to send a thank you letter?

Make sure you stand out from the crowd!

Tips for Your best job interview

The best way to create the right impression with your interviewer is to send a personal thank you note after your interview.

Your letter should be typed, signed in blue ink and mailed or delivered by hand for maximum impact. And, don't forget to use good quality, plain writing paper.

Tips For Interview Thank You Notes

  • Send your thank you note within 24 hours of your interview. Every day you delay, your letter will lose impact! An interview follow up email is an acceptable alternative to a formal letter today.
  • Keep your letter brief and to the point. A maximum of 2 paragraphs!
  • Use good quality, neutral coloured stationary. Save your funky paper supplies for personal or social correspondence if you want to be seen as a professional.
  • Tips for interview thank you letters

  • Greet your interviewer by name - Dear Mr Edwards, Dear Mrs Aziz etc
  • Mention something from the interview that will help the interviewer to remember you easily
  • Close your letter with the words 'Yours sincerely'
  • Handwrite your name, even if you have typed the letter. Blue ink is the best choice!
  • Write the full name and title of the interviewer on the first line of the envelope, for example: Mrs. Anita Lamb, Project Director.
    The second line of the address should be the company name, for example: XYZ Co Ltd.

Please feel free to review, copy and use the sample thank you letters on this site as a template, for your personal use.

And, if you're still at the earliest stage of your job search and want more pay, better benefits and a better standard of living, here's where you can learn how to excel at job interviews and land your dream job today!

Best of luck with your job search!!

Recommended Reading

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Interview Resources and Sample Letters

Thank You Letter Template
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