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Survey ThankYou Email Examples and Tips

There are 2 types of survey thankyou email you might want to consider when designing a survey.

  1. A thank you message to tempt prospective respondents.
    This explains the survey and asks respondents to answer the questions.

    Most surveys are now conducted by email, as it is considered to be the most efficient way to contact prospective respondents.

    As part of the thank you message, you may also want to include information about how the survey results will be used and details of where and when any results will be published.

  2. Sample Survey ThankYou - To Prospective Respondents

    Thank you for agreeing to complete this survey. This should take you around 5 minutes to complete.

    Your responses will give your Sports and Social Committee valuable insight into the types of activities that are of most interest to you and will help us to continue to provide a popular selection of activities.

    Please note that your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary, that you do not need to respond to any of the questions that you do not wish to answer and that your answers will be completely anonymous.

    The information you provide will be combined with the answers of others, so that individual level information is impossible to identify. Results from the survey will be publsihed on the Intranet by the end of [Month and Year].

    Thank you again for your participation

  3. A survey thankyou to send to respondents who have taken the time to answer your survey.

Find sample survey thankyou emails for after a survey has been completed here.

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